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Apps, Browsers, & Java Security
Netwrix PolicyPak
Modern Desktop Management for the “Anywhere” Workforce
What can it do for you?

End-users interact with applications, browsers, and Java more than any other resource on the Windows network. Therefore, locking down their settings is of critical importance for security and compliance. The PolicyPak Apps, Browser, and Java Security Pak not only lets you secure settings but also prevents users from ever reconfiguring the settings you put in place.

This product covers also the following themes: GPO ComplianceWindows 10 & 11 ManagementGPO Reductions & TransitionsApp Delivery & PatchingDesktop Automation & ConnectivityLeast Privilege ManagementDevice Control Features:

Deploy and manage settings for applications, browsers, and Java. Prevent users from reconfiguring them.



Configure and lockdown thousands of user settings on hundreds of commonly-used applications.



Manage browser settings, ensure websites URLs open in the right browser & block websites completely.


Manage, secure and block Java applets and websites quickly and easily.

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