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Network Profiles
Port, device, drive & application control, encryption of media and full disks, and more
What can it do for you?

DriveLock immediately recognizes when the computer is connected to a different network and applies the settings you configured for this network.

This product covers also the following themes: Data FilteringDevice ControlPort ControlAuditing Devices & DrivesEncryption of Full DisksApplication ControlEncryption of Removable MediaShadowing Features:

With DriveLock each drive, device or application whitelist rule can be set to apply to one or more network profiles, which correspond to specific networks. You can use network profiles to prevent connections to unapproved networks. You can also ensure whether devices or applications can be used while a computer is connected to your corporate network or while outside the office. To prevent network intrusions you can automatically disable wireless connections while a computer is connected to your company LAN.

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