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Netwrix Auditor
Netwrix Auditor
Ease of the burden of IT Auditing
Why try & buy?

Serveral IT people within your organisation make changes. Your challenges are operational efficiency, security, visibility, compliance, audits, user and access behavior.

Change auditing is a requirement for maintaining network security and sustaining compliance. Netwrix Auditor automates change tracking and reporting tasks, mitigates the risk of privilege abuse and helps you comply with internal security policies and government or industry regulations.

Product description:

More and more organizations, regardless of size or industry, are recognizing the value of conducting regular internal and external IT audits. The benefits are many: IT auditing can help you improve security, pass compliance audits and optimize IT operations. But all too often, the process is far more cumbersome and time-consuming than it needs to be. Netwrix Auditor software can ease your auditing burden and help you achieve your goals with far less effort. Netwrix Auditor detects ecurity threats, proves compliance and increase IT team efficiency.

Change Auditing (1st of 1 themes)

What can it do for you?

Netwrix Auditor helps you with the following:

  • to improve operational efficiency

  • to improve security visibility

  • to meet compliance regulations

  • to automate audits

  • to analyse user and accces behavior

Netwrix Auditor helps you reporting on attributes that have changed and allows you to quickly respond to the events that have the potential of taking you out of compliance.



Who changed What, When and Where information

Makes it easy to identify when a specific change was made, who made it and what exactly was changed with before and after values.

Snapshots of current and past configurations

Allows comparison between configurations made at present and at any time in the past.

Detailed audit reports and dashboards

Includes a set of predefined audit reports with ability to filter, sort, export the audit data and subscribe to reports via email.


Agentless or non-intrusive agent-based modes of operation  

Doesn't require the installation of agents even if the agent-based mode is enabled, the lightweight non-intrusive agents do not modify or tamper operating system functions and thus significantly reduce the risk of system outages.

Compliance reports for PCI, HIPAA, SOX, FISMA and ISO

Provides out-of-the-box reports that are mapped toward regulatory compliance standards, including PCI DSS, HIPAA, SOX, FISMA/NIST800-53 and ISO/IEC 27001. 

Real-time alerts

Notifies IT staff about critical changes and helps proactively detect unauthorized or malicious modifications.


Available modules for

Active Directory, Windows Server, Windows File Servers, Dell EMC, NetApp, Nutanix Files, Exchange, SharePoint, SQL, VMware, Oracle Database, Azure AD, Office 365, Network Devices.

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